My son, Everett, is a rambunctious four year old, who only sometimes follows directions and occasionally is polite. So today when I took him in for his kindergarten evaluation, I was very nervous. Normally I would have just downed a good margarita to take the edge off, but since schools are drug free zones I thought I better not. I just knew that when Everett was asked his colors, which he knows, he would wildly yell out, "Chicken butt!" or when asked to spell his name, which he also knows, he would take the pencil and use it as a light saber to slice off the kindergarten teacher's hand.
We walked into the school and were greeted by Mrs. Coburn, the kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Coburn handed me a stack of papers to fill out and took Everett into a classroom to perform the evaluation. They were gone five agonizing minutes. How was he doing? Was he sitting still and following directions? Or was he attempting to toot on Mrs. Coburn while dog piling her?
Eventually they emerged. Mrs. Coburn had no noticeable bruises and her hair was still in perfect form. She told me we had a character on our hands and he was totally ready for kindergarten. He knew his colors, his letters, some of his sounds and how to spell his name (although it took an entire 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper to do so). But one thing he asked her made her giggle she said. He asked her who the master was.
Luckily for us, Mrs. Coburn was a Star Wars fan and knew exactly who the master was. She replied, "Mr. Jenkins is the school's master. We call him the principal." Everett left the school so excited for fall when he gets to start kindergarten and meet a real life master.
Later that same day, Karcher, my two year old, informed me that I am a monkey and he is Darth Vader. I am beginning to wonder if we watch too much TV.
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